farm bureau car insurance quote

farm bureau car insurance quote

farm bureau car insurance quote


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Do i need an auto insurance to drive a motorcycle? how much that would be if it is yes? higher than auto insu?

I think i need to know before i buy a bike that whether i would pay more $ on my insurance if there is 1 or would it be cheaper than an auto insurance, like car insurances?Ooh, i am an new driver so how much would it be?



I dont understand my car insurance??!!?

My car is insured by progressive. There was a break in attempt about a month ago. Unfortunately, i was out of town and my husband didnt file a report. Upon attempting to break in, our window would not roll up or down anymore because they set it off track. Today, our whole lock came out of the door! (I dont know what its called, the place that you put your key in the door in order to lock your car, it came out of the door.) We are broke and cant fix it because BMW parts are SO expensive. Ive been extremely worried about my car being stolen and have been trying to understand my policy. But i dont! What happens if my car gets stolen? Which part of the policy talks about it being stolen? My car was financed to my husband by Navy Fed, depending on the insurance, do they pay off the bank?



Tell me about your motorcycle insurance.?

i'd like to do a quick survey: how much do you pay; what type of bike; your age and location? who do you buy from?



Why my car insurance is so high and how can I lower it?

Recently I moved my house and my insurance went off the roof. For a 03 reg ford-ka its 2300 whereas the car cost only 1400. I also have passed pass-plus, but in vain. Checked on gocompares and other sites, but of no use. I am 28yrs old. I don't know what to do, I love to drive and want that car so bad? Do you guys have any idea? Should I go and check out with my bank for insurance and stuff? please help?



How much does is cost to become a driver in the UK?

I'm weighing up the pros and cons of learning to drive over my reliance on public transport. I want to take account of everything, (insurance, cost of average car, etc). I figure 20 for provisional license. About 800 for lessons (40 x 20), plus another 150 for the test, 50 for the theory test. What other things do I need to consider each year? (I'm approximately 30 years old, if that matters)



I had a car accident without insurance and they told me to get insurance my question is wold they help me?

I had a car accident without insurance and they told me to get insurance my question is would they help me with my car if i had the accident anyway and how they gonna help me?



Insurance info on changing them.?

my dad has a certain insurance and i want to switch to another insurance. what is involved switching to a new insurance because i found a nice new place but they don't take his current insurance. i really want to do move because this new place is great.



Quick question about a 16 year girl's car insurance rate...?

My daughter's about to turn 16. Anyone have any idea what we can expect her insurance rate to be on a 2011 Mustang V6?



Car for 17 year old? easy on gas , cheap to insure?

i am a 17 year old girl who lives in ontario and would like to purchase a used car for $1500. it needs to be cheap to insure and really good on gas. i do not know much about cars but im hoping someone will help me. also, i do not want a car that will break down and cost me lots of money to fix. any suggestions with what car i should buy? basically i just need a good student car because it will only be driving me to school and thats it. safety isnt a huge issue for me more like the pricing and maintenance. any suggestions willl do ! please help . thanks:)



Month to month insurance question?

I am about to sell a 2003 Chev Silverado that hasn't been driven, registered, inspected or insured in several years (I am in Texas, if that helps). I am getting everything up to date as far as inspection plus some repairs that need to be done before completing the sale, so I will need temporary insurance. I have been shopping for just the next month, and have even googled month to month insurance in Texas but keep coming up with insurance companies that only quote a full year. Since I don't currently drive or have any reason for auto insurance, I don't have the option of adding it to an existing policy for a month. I do have an active license so I am eligible to get insurance, but I don't want to pay a huge down payment on the premium and lose it once I cancel after I have handed the truck over in 2 weeks. Are there any companies or websites designed specifically for temporary or month to month insurance? What are the options?



How much do you pay for car insurance?

I am taking a survey. I need to know how much you pay for car insurance, how old you are, and what gender you are. Thanks.



How many billions will obamcare cost to insure the poor ,the crack heads the people who can't afford it?

how much is the fine if you can't afford to buy obamacare



Where can i fins cheap car insurance? or get cheaper somhow?

i have been looking for car insurence and the cheapest i can get is around 3000 but i was wondering if there are any ways i can get it cheaper? also i was wondering i am getting provisional insurence but i am paying it monthly so what will happen if i pass my test and still have provisional insurence??



Motorcycle provisional licence insurance costs?

Obviously, to learn to ride a motorcycle you sort of need your own bike with insurance, but roughly speaking, on an average standard bike, how much would that insurance be please? Anyone who has experience of this, I'd appreciate to here from especially! Thanks! (I've mastered the driving licence, so now I'm moving on to the bike licence, well, planning to). The bike would be no more than 120cc, with no more than an 11kW output. UK-based answers please, apparently the states makes it a lot cheaper to insure vehicles, jealous! Also, if you have any experience, please tell me when this was. (Insurance prices have gone up, again!) Thank you!



Should I have full coverage or liability only for car insurance on a 1997 Honda Accord?

The car is in very good condition with no major problems. The car is almost 13 years old but the re-sale of Honda cars are supposed to be good.



In Michigan do you need to keep full coverage on your motorcycle even if it is in storage when you have loan?

You get your full coverage on the motorcycle when you purchase it but winter comes and you have the insurance company reduce it to storage insurance. Can you do that and if you can is the insurance company required to let the title holder know of the insurance coverage change?



Where are the best Extended Auto Warranties Online - An Extended Auto Warranty that isn't too overpriced?

Where can I find an extended auto warranty online that is also good value? The one that came as standard with my car is very basic but their extended auto warranty plan is way overpriced. I'm now worried I'll have to pay out thousands in repair costs because something goes wrong with my car, conveniently just after the warranty expires. Is an extended auto warranty something I can get from an independant source?



Looking for cheap cars to insure?

Hello there, im 21 and looking for a cheap good runnin car! Thats cheap to insure! :) I dont like the old shape corses or nissan micras.. Ewww lol but really need a car asap! Any suggestions would be great n could u put make of car n model please? Thanks for reading! Lewis :D



Idea as to how much full coverage car insurance would be for a 17 yo. Just a ballpark figure. Thanks.?

Idea as to how much full coverage car insurance would be for a 17 yo. Just a ballpark figure. Thanks.?



How much is insurance for a teenager?

hey i wanna buy a car, and im about to get my license. i just wanna know what the average price is for my age. im turning 17, and i want a 2002 firehawk trans am..yes i know i shouldnt get it, i should get a honda civic lol. but ive saved up and i want it. i just want to know the average price. my mother has geico and im a guy. if you could give me a estimate for every month or every couple of months it will cost for a trans am also how much cheaper it will be if i got the cheaper car. much thanks!! i also live in new jersey if that helps.



Hey how much is Honda CBR 125 insurance?

Hey I am 17 years old, living in Ontario. I want to buy a 2007 Honda CBR 125. I have my M2 and was wondering if anyone with similar information could let me know about how much I would be paying per year on insurance.



Family car insurance cheaper?

Hi, my parents currently have car insurance with a bank. they want to include me into the insurance. is there a family insurance bundle that is cheaper than individual car insurance?



What happens to my insurance premium if I stop owning a car for a period of time?

Does it affect my no claims bonus if I already have 6+ years no claims?



Do insurance companies go by residence address or by mailing adress?

I live in the city, but I have an upstate house to which I want to register my car to so I can get cheaper insurance. What should be changed?



What are some cheap Auto Insurance Quotes for Oregon?

I am looking for a cheap and reliable auto insurance company for just liability insurance. I have had one accident back in 2009, totaling my dads toyota 4-Runner and wrecking into an Audi A4. As well, I have 2 tickets on my record, both happened in 2008, the first one I got was running a stop sign and the second one (which happened literally the next day.. by the same cop) I got an illegal lane change or turning into a turning lane to early I cant remember which one it would fall under. Some of the quotes I got have been like 350 $$ which is way out of my price range. Anybody have any good ideas? I'd appreciate it.


farm bureau car insurance quote

farm bureau car insurance quote


Which car insurance company is cheapest on international licence in uk?

Which car insurance company is cheapest on international licence in uk?



Will car insurance be cheaper if I drive my mum's car?

I'm learning to drive, but my mum won't allow me to practice in her Fiat 500 or drive it once I've passed the test. This means I can either buy myself a car or drive my Dad's car, which is a much larger Jeep. I don't particularly want to drive it though because its an automatic whereas I'm learning manual (I know automatic is easier, but as a new driver I won't be able to practice for the test and I'm worried I might forget manual if I drive it for too long) and I imagine insurance is likely to be higher. I was wondering, which of these options are likely to work out cheapest? Is it worth trying to persuade my mum to let me drive her car?



Rough price for motorcylce insurance?

I'm 17, the bike im hoping to get is 2005 Honda CBR 125 How much would it be roughly for basic insurance



How much is an oldtimer insurance for a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow II ?

I would like to know how much per month an oldtimer insurance for a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow II or Spirit would cost about per month? I am 21 years old, self employed. Does someone know ?



First Time Cars With Low Insurance?

I'm going to be starting Driving lessons soon and want to start thinking on what car to get as my first one so I can save up, though I don't know much about cars at all. So I'm looking for some advice on a good, but cheap, car (Either New or Used, if used I would like to know the general life expectancy from new in order to work out how long it will resonantly last) that will last me for at least 4 years and get me through my first Degree, I also would like it to have a fairly low insurance for a beginner driver as I am a college student, currently, and plan on doing my Masters (Starting next year) then my PHD, so I won't have a massive pot of funds. If anyone can help me I will be very grateful as I know nothing about cars, all my vehicle knowledge is of Motorbikes.



How much will it cost per month to pay for gas fees, and auto insurance in Toronto?

How much will it cost per month to pay for gas fees, and auto insurance in Toronto?



What is an affordable health insurance in N.J for my employee? i own a small business with one worker.?

What is an affordable health insurance in N.J for my employee? i own a small business with one worker.?



My license was suspended and I want to buy a new car. Will my insurance company still let me keep my policy?

I have had my license suspended due to accumulating 12 pts on my driving record (maryland). I did however get permission to drive to work. I have been planning to buy a new car now and I really don't want this to prevent that. However, my insurance rates haven't gone up due to the suspended license atleast yet. If I buy a new car, other than the type of coverage, will my insurance go up because of the suspended license or will that even still keep me on the policy. Any help will be great.



Road trip without car insurance?

So my girlfriend and I want to go to Las Vegas with some friends. We don't have a car, but it friends does, however, he doesn't have car insurance. Would it still be ok to go? Why or why not? Well be traveling from SLC.



Umbrella insurance?

instant quotes for the stand alone umbrella insurance in california



Is it better to cancel health insurance when it reaches $1700/Month for a young family of four?

Is it better to cancel health insurance when it reaches $1700/Month for a young family of four?



Help with car insurance question!?

Around what price range do you believe a 16 year old girl's (with Narcolepsy and Cataplexy) car insurance would cost?



Can I get car insurance for one month?

I need tags for my car and I have to have insurance. I can't afford more than 150 so does anyone know a good place I can go that would let me do one month or just somewhere that is cheap online that i can pay a little amount then cancel the rest?



How to insure my car if I go to live in France?

I'm moving to France soon and I would like to keep my english car. Insurance companies are asking for the bonus-malus and I don't know the equivalent in they can't tell me how much it would be...Does anybody had to insure their car in France? What do I need to do? thanks xxxx



Insurance price?

does anyone have an idea of how much insurance would be for me to purchase a new wrx sti? age 24, pittsburgh PA, clean record...any rough estimates?



Looking for health Insurance?

I'm looking for affordable health insurance with good coverage and options for doctors. A PPO is okay but I'm looking for quality AND affordability. Dental and vision would be a great plus. Can anybody out there help me!?!



What is the cheapest car insurance for a young new driver?

What is the cheapest car insurance for a young new driver?



Questions about homeowners insurance?

I called my insurance company, and they said it wont cost anything if I add my girlfriend onto the insurance policy. My question is if I add her on and dont get additional coverage and something goes wrong. Will My insurance cmpany give me a hard time GOD for bid something goes wrong. For example if something gets stolen or my house burns down, will my homeowners insurance say that they wont cover my furnature or tv etc because they can say it is my girlfriends or will I be ok?



At fault driver's car insurance won't pay for my damages!?

Hey guys and gals, My wife was in a car accident on 10/8 driving our truck with liability only insurance (IE: not full coverage because the truck is only worth ~$3000 and it's paid for). She was turning right and had slowed down to turn (with her turn signal on) when a speeding truck slammed into the van behind her, ramming the van in to our truck. The police filed a report, in which the driver of the speeding truck (an 18 year old kid, that had just left his house less than 1/4 mile away) was determined to be at fault. It is worth note that this happened in front of two different auto body shops, and within sight of the house the at fault driver had just left. Their insurance company, state farm, finally contacted us on 11/8 after not returning our phone calls for nearly two weeks saying they had determined he was in fact at fault and would send an adjuster the following Monday. He came, inspected the truck, determined it was repairable, then said we would hear from their office later that day. When they called they told us the damage was more than 75% of the vehicles worth so it was considered total and they would send the required paperwork to my email address to begin payment. Within 3 hours, the claim agent we had talked to the previous Friday said an owner of one of the auto shops had came forward (all of a sudden, no mention of a witness before) and that he had a notarized statement saying the van struck our vehicle before the truck struck the van. The insurance company now will not pay us for the damages. We tried to call the witness and get a copy of his report because State Farm would not give us the copy. Then we called the other auto body shop and both the owner and one of his employees both seen the accident and say that the truck was at fault, and the owner overheard the driver say specifically that it was his fault. When we bring this to the agents attention, she claims this is not evidence because they know the at fault driver. We found out that the first witness also knows the driver, but can't prove it. Ours is a small town, you don't have neighbors that you don't know or speak to. It seems we are at an impasse, and I have been without a truck for nearly 6 weeks. What should I do in this instance? Get an attorney? Our insurance agency is adamant about not intervening since we did not have full coverage insurance. It may be worth noting that my wife has had back and neck pain since the accident and went to the hospital the day of the accident, the family doctor twice since, and has an appointment with a chiropractor next week (all of which our insurance has paid for.)



I'm 24 yrs old. should I get whole life or term insurance?

Currently I have no children yet, what's best for me?



What does getting pts on license mean for my insurance?

I got pulled over for speeding. However, the cop bumped down my ticket to disobeying traffic control device. I'm getting 2 points on my license. I'm 22 yrs. old and under my dad's insurance. Will the insurance rates be going up? (Also, I'm planning on taking the defense driving class to erase the 2 pts from license. If so, does my insurance still go up?) Please tell me of your situations....thanks!



Vehicle Insurance Survey4?

11) Please mention your agreement level with the following statements 1) Strongly disagree 2) Disagree 3) Neutral 4) Agree 5) Strongly Agree Statements 1 2 3 4 5 My insurance company settle claims faster as per my expectation My company introduces different product to my requirement My insurance company does not settle claims as per my expectation 12) Please mention the level of satisfaction with the following features offered by current insurance company. Criteria Highly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Highly Satisfied Cost Brand Referral Hassles free claims Bonus rate Ease of purchase Return fee Professional advice Linked with another product Choice of selecting your own service centre 13) How many years you have been using your vehicle (i) Less than 2 YEARS [ ] (ii) 2-5 YEARS [ ] (iii) 5-10 YEARS [ ] (iv) MORE THAN 10 YEARS [ ] Please fill Vehicle Insurance Survey5



About how much will my car insurance increase...?

I recently received a speeding ticket for going 81/60. 4 points and 185$ fine...the officer said he would knock it down to 2 points and 80$ fine if i showed up to court. I'm 19, I live in S. Carolina, and I pay 195$ a month for a 2004 mazda6. Does anyone have an estimate on how much 2 points will raise my rates? Note: This is my second ticket; my first was an Improper start from start, no points 155$ fine. Thanks so much!



Is there any car insurance companies that offer cheaper than average for young drivers?

I've been looking around at quotes for ages now but can't seem to find any cheap insurance companies that give cheap insurance to young drivers and it's pi**ing me off because i'm not the type of young driver to get excited and show off and then cause a crash. I passed my test a few weeks ago and i'm 18, 19 in december. I heard about those trackers my cousins got one but he isn't allowed to drive past 11 o clock or else his premium will increase and i'll sometimes need to drive past that time.



Car insurance !!!!!!!!!!!!!?

does anyone no were to get cheap car insurance im 17 male and the quotes im getting are 3000 pound to 5000 pound and they are for 1.1 to a 1.3 and its stupid ive tried go compare mon Supermarket and i cant find any lower quotes can anyone help???


farm bureau car insurance quote

farm bureau car insurance quote


Can I have both employer provided insurance and obamacare insurance?

Can I have both employer provided insurance and obamacare insurance?



Insurance on Crossfire. 16 Year old.?

i am a 16 year old boy and i was wondering what the insurance would be on a 2004 Chrysler Crossfire Coupe. I am pretty sure that it is a sportscar. So, help me out. I got to convince my parents to get me one.



Do i need to insure my popup camper?

I just bought an 88 viking pop up camper here in Michigan, and was wondering, do i need to insure it? is it a law? or just a recommendation? im hearing many things when i ask that question and i really need a for sure thing here. i dont want to get pulled over and get ticketed for having no insurance on it. but i also dont want to pay 300 dollars a month for something i bought for $450. Thanks!



Allstate Insurance? Pricing?

I have a question, If there's 2 people registered under one car, does Allstate bump up the insurance price? Thanks



How does car insurance work with multiple drivers and one car?

My family has one car and the only one who currently drives it/has auto insurance is my dad. If my sister and I are to get our drivers licenses (and would only ever drive this one car, too) how does insurance work? Do me and my sister both have to pay insurance on that same car too? Thanks!



My niece has a sr22 bond and insurance can she drive a car with that?

i need to know cause she is driving is hat legal?



Do you know if there is an insurance company that insures cars that travels in both Mexico and Texas?

I am temporarily living in Mexico and will be crossing the border to Texas. I don't know if anyone knows if there is auto insurance that takes care of insurance for crossing the more



How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 23 yr old?

Impeccable driving record, no tickets, felonies etc... Have a car and I've been driving for 6 1/2 years. My premium with Geico is only $80/mo. I just need a general figure for something with over 600ccs. Thanks.



Insurance Quotes With AAA ?

I requoted myself online with AAA, I've been with them for 9-10 years or so. And by filling out the same information with same coverages, I will save much more. Will AAA give me that new rate or am I stuck with my same rate. I hate calling customer service..



How much does moped insurance cost?

i am 15 and live in new jersey. i want to attach a 49cc engine to my bicycle. i have done a lot of reading on the subject and have come to find out that this qualifies as a moped. in order to ride it on the street, one of the requirements is insurance. I just want to know how much it costs before i put any money into it. thank you for your help!



What car can i get that will be the cheapest insurance a month?

Hello I'm 18 I'm a male and I live in Cleveland Ohio I was wondering what is the best car I can get with the lowest insurance a month? And what is the best car insurance for first time drivers?



Didn't Obama claim his health care law would lower insurance rates?

Obama made that claim again and again while trying to pass Obamacare. So now that Obamacare is the law of the land, why are medical insurance rates still going up when Obama claimed that would not happen?



Where can I purchase an affordable individual health insurance policy?

Where can I purchase an affordable individual health insurance policy?



How much is renter's insurance normally?

I already have insurance thriugh state farm and they do have renter's insurance but I'm asking people who actually do have it, how much should it be normally?



How can i get insurance if i am a 21 year old female with a job?

I am 21 years old and i live in California, I work at the YMCA but i only work 20 hrs. a week so i do not quallify for insurance here. I only make about $950 a month so i don't have alot of money to pay for insurance and my parents jobs do not provide insurance for me. can anyone help?



Where to get the best auto insurance rates in Midwest.?

Just moved to the Midwest, besides the insurance giants are there any other good insurance companies out there that will save me a little money?



Just a quick question about life insurance ?

My mom had two life insurance I think one was with her job & I found another with Hartford life insurance for sick pay. Do you get to have an beneficiary on a disability check or sick pay check?



Teen Car Insurance Price?

Currently driving my fathers old 2002 Mitsubishi Galant (basic 4-door car, nothing special), and planning on buying a Suburu BRZ (sports car) when I turn 18. My birthday is Dec. 25, I am currently 17 and I have had my license since I turned 16. I have a B average in school and I am planning on taking defensive driving also. I have had no claims or accidents at all. The car is just going to be for commute, probably about 13-17,000 miles a year (going to be traveling home from college). I will be on my parents insurance, but I was just wondering the quote. I tried doing it on a insurance website, however they don't give you a quote if you are under 18. I am planning on getting collision coverage. Thanks in advance.



Question about car insurance?

okay so i was recently in an car accident and my car was a total loss. The accident is not my fault. I received my settlement check for my vehicle after paying my deductible for my insurance company. 2 months later now I received another check from the other insurance company at fault with an attached form stating that the check is for repairing the damages on my vehicle. Is this check safe for me to cash out? Not complaining of getting extra money, but Im just curious why would i get another check when i already got a whole settlement check from my insurance company. Shouldnt the other insurance be paying my insurance company instead? any help would be great.



Do you have to pay for insurance when you start a driving job?

A staffing agency is requiring me to pay a $150 refundable deductible before I start the job, does this sound legit?



Can you get a quote for car insurance before you pass your tests?

No insurance companies will give me a quote for car insurance so i was thinking that you may not be able to get a quote before you pass your test? someone help!!! PLEASE



What is good to have with car insurance. what features i guess i should say...?

i am 26, drive a 2007 altima 2.5s sedan with 30,000 miles on it. clean driving record and had my license since 17 with zero tickets if that helps. ------------------------------------------------ This is what I am paying with progressive auto: Coverage & Premium Information 2007 Nissa BODILY INJURY & PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY $296.00 BI $50,000 EACH PERSON - $100,000 EACH ACCIDENT PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY - $50,000 EACH ACCIDENT MEDICAL PAYMENTS $5,000 EACH PERSON $20.00 COMPREHENSIVE ACV LESS $500 DEDUCTIBLE $65.00 COLLISION ACV LESS $500 DEDUCTIBLE $336.00 LOAN/LEASE PAYOFF COVERAGE $33.00 25% OF THE ACTUAL CASH VALUE UNINSURED/UNDERINSURED MOTORIST $22.00 $50,000 EACH PERSON - $100,000 EACH ACCIDENT UNINSURED MOTORISTS PROPERTY DAMAGE $3,500 $6.00 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE $7.00 Premium by Vehicle $785.00 Anti-Fraud Fee $0.90 Total Policy Premium $785.90 -------------------------------------- I think i am paying too much for car insurance?! about $130 A MONTH! Is this just about right or can I get lower better insurance or do i actually need something more?! let me know what you have and how much you pay and how you are covered. thanks



Do you have NRMA car insurance?

If so, you may receive a phone call from people with overseas accents claiming to be from Australian Injury Helpline They will ask if you have had a car accident recently and then offer to get you injury compensation, even if you were not injured. A male caller may claim to be Garry from Aust. Injury Helpline. I received a call like this the day before yesterday and at first I though it was unfinished business from a minor accident i had in June last year in which there were no injuries. This is a scam. According to a worker at the genuine helpline, the scammers have somehow got a list of NRMA insurance customers and are auto-dialling them. They do not know what your name is and they do not know any details of any accident you may have had, or even if you have had one. If you receive such a call, the genuine helpline people would be grateful for any solid evidence you could give them.



What insurance companies call sports cars?

im a 15 years old and my dad says i cant get a sports car cause i cant afford insurance on it so i want to no if there's a list of all the cars they call sports cars



Will car insurance cover me if an unlicensed driver was driving?

I have a problem. My car was wrecked by an unlicensed driver. I didn't know that person's license was suspended. Will my insurance still cover it? My car is messed up pretty more


farm bureau car insurance quote

farm bureau car insurance quote


How much did your insurance go up?

I am unemployed. My wife has me, our son, and herself on her job group rate medical insurance. Up to October this year, for the last 10 years, she pays $79.00 per month for medical more



Car insurance legal team?

Do you have to use the legal team that comes with your car insurance or can you choose an independent one? Had an accident and am not happy with the insurance company's attitude - we had a rear end collision.



What are typically the cheapest auto insurance company in Massachusetts?

I currently am with MetLife but they increased charges this year, so I'm looking to change the company. Any suggestions to cheaper auto insurance? Thanks!



Can someone who smokes marijuana get affordable life insurance?

Can someone who smokes marijuana get affordable life insurance?



What is the best Life Insurance company?

I'd like to get my mom some life insurance as she just turned 61. I'd like to know the cheapest/legit place to get life insurance for her. Any suggestions?



Do additional safety features pay for themselves via cheaper insurance rates?

Specifically anti-lock brakes and side curtain airbags, on a small sedan. I'm planning on buying a new or less used vehicle soon. The only things that matter are: gas efficiency, reliability, and a low total price to own.



Affordable Health Insurance?

I was in a pedestrian accident earlier this year. The case has since been settled and I was awarded $25,000. That was the maximum insurance the driver had, after lawyer fees, etc., etc., I didn't end up with much. I am unable to work and have no health insurance. My back is still scarred. Everyday, all the time it aches. I stopped treating with the chiropractor because he was making me feel worst the entire 2 months I treated. I need prescriptions and medical attention period! I have about $4,000 left, but I am unemployed and do not want to continuously dip into my savings. Since my lawyer has been paid, I seem to be of least concern.



Approx. Insurance rate for 20 yo male with a 04 G35x sedan?

thinking about buying a G35x after i get back from Afghanistan, just wondering how much insurance might be



Car insurance?

I was given a car from Texas would I be able to insure the car with Texas plates ? If not how would I go about getting it smogged & insured if I can't drive it ?



Car insurance confusion?

Ok, I'm 17 and I just moved to Florida with my 18-year-old boyfriend. He just got his license suspended so in a few days I'm going to get my first license here in Florida because I have a job to get to. (I've had my NC learner's permit for over a year) My question is basically, what are my options for car insurance? Can I have my own policy or is my only option to be put on his insurance? Please help!



How much should it cost to replace and paint a totaled bumper for a 98 honda accord?

My husband and I just returned home from the store in his car, when he noticed my car that was parked across the street had been crashed into on the drivers side bumper. Plz give me advice should i call insurance even though I dont know who did it, or should I just fix it myself. and how much will it cost.



Would this health insurance be accepted in my ares ,lubbock and shallowater texas?

i need to know if this health insurance would be accepted in my area,lubbock and shallowater texas?



Insurance problem, auto?

recently took a new job in Canada as a social worker and tried to add business coverage on my vehicle. I was told by my insurance company that this would be commercial because there is some risk I would have kids in the car. I called another company who told me it is just business. The initial company is cancelling my policy as they do not offer commercial insurance which they claim I require. They are not cancelling it for any negative reasons but will this cancellation show up and effect my rates even though it is not my fault. I tried to add the correct insurance but they did not have it so they are cancelling me. Other companies say I do not need commericial coverage so I should be ok with business but because there is a this cancellation I worry. I know if you have a cancellation for things like non payment or tickets it will impact you but what about this?



Can someone help me with a Corporate Insurance estimate?

I'm creating a business proposal and business plan for some investors, and I need a estimate on how much insurance does the business I'm creating would need. Some of the stats: - Its a new business so 0 years in experience, but the administrators and owners will have over 10 years exp. - Its a game that can be played all around the country, via portals much like slot machines. Each one is estimated in costing 6,700 dollars. We want to implement 1000 units. - It can generate over 100 million dollars in a single year. - The main office is going to be purchased, and it's value is of 1.3 Million. 3 floors 6000sq feet. - We are estimating around 30 full time employees. We want health and workers comp with all of the benefits. - We are going to have 5 corporate cars 2 Pickups 09 Tacoma valued at $28,625 and 3 Yaris valued at $15,980. - We want Liability, Fire, Burglary, Theft, the works. In terms of Liability estimated around $2,000,000 - $10,000,000. Hope you guys can help me out. And thank you in advance for your response!



Fast car low insurance group?

I'm 18 and get high rate dla for motability, I am getting a new car on the scheme and current have a Reno Clio 1.2l 2008 reg and wanted to no I want a new car with a good engine and good speed, but the catch is because my insurance is free the max group I can be insured on is a 8 or below any smashing ideas



Can you claim back unused car insurance?

If through out your life time of driving you never have a crash or the need to claim for any insurance. Can you then claim back a portion you have falked out to the insurance company? If not, why is this? It doesn't seem fair that you have to pay someone by law, 10s of thousands of pounds over your driving life time, and your not entitled to claim any money back? i mean even 10% of what you've paid would be fairer than nothing, these insurance companies still get 90% of money for doing nothing?



Whats a cheap insurance car to buy?

I just turned 18 and just passed my driving test, so i want to buy a car since i'm the only person in my home whole has a driving license, but i want to buy a car that will be VERY cheap to insure. So many people have told me different things and I'm really confused.



Cost of insurance on a mercedes Benz each month?

i have to do a gay project



How much condo insurance should one get?

if i have a condo that i want to get insurance for, what is a good amount? the condo is 1215 sq ft w/ 2 bath & 2 bedroom.



What is an insurance quote?

I just want to know what it is because I always here it on car insurance commercials



Where can I get the lowest priced auto insurance in orange county California ?

I'm a single dad choking on Title IV-D child support enforcement and I want to get my car registered so I can get a job, pay the support be a good dad and jump through all these government circus hoops. I need the lowest priced auto insurance I can get. Perfect driving record and I just want the minimum coverage because I drive a cheap car. Thank You!



Average cost of sr22 insurance?

What is the average cost of sr22 insurance?



My daughters car insurance has more than doubled because she got 9 penalty points in the last year. she wants ?

me to get insurance on her car and then get her put on that insurance. if she gets more points while she is under my insurance would that affect the price of the insurance on my own cars or would only if she caused an accident make my insurance go up. i could get a years insurance on her car for less than the price of 1 monthly installment she would have to pay for her own insurance. what do you think. if she gets 3 more points she will be disqualified from driving . if that happened while she was on my insurance would that put my insurance prices up even though she would be off my insurance if she did get disqualified. what i have wrote might not make sense. i want to know if i do this for her and she gets disqualified while being on my insurance would that put my insurance prices up for all my cars or what or would it only effect my insurance if she causes an accident. while shes on my insurance. * 41 minutes ago * - 3 days left to answer. Additional Details 40 minutes ago we live in the UK. sorry this is very long i found it hard to write what i was really trying to ask. 33 minutes ago i know if she causes an accident while she is on my insurance ot would effect how much my insurance costs but if she was to get disqualified while she is on my insurance would that effect me inurances oin anyway. if she gets disqualified then she wont be on my insurance anymore. 14 minutes ago only 3 of her penalty points are for speeding. she told me the other 6 points are because there was a mix up with her insurance last time and she was uninured for 4 days and was caught by the police. she got 6 points for that in court a few months ago. she said she that she had phoned them and accepted the policy they sent her to renew it and thought it would continue automatically but she hadnt been to the office to sign for it so she got caught for that. she was only uninsured for 4 days because of her mistake that time. sorry if you already answerd this but i put it on US yahoo answers by a mistake and it didnt show up in UK yahoo answers so i needed answers from people who knows about car insurance in the UK



How much does it cost to insure a 08 corvette for a 21 year old?

I currently have a mustang gt 2007 i pay $465 a month for the car payment and $230 a month for the insurance. Now i am graduating with a engineering degree next year and my salary will double so i can afford about a $700-800 car payment and about $300-400 monthly insurance payment. Will this be enough to own a 08 corvette over 60months? I would like to hear from those who actually own a corvette or those who work for a insurance company but any educated response is ok. Thanks in advance



Which companies do cheap quad bike insurance for newly passed car drivers?

Bashan 200c 2007 model, any idea how much insurance will be? Im 19 and have car license only.


farm bureau car insurance quote

farm bureau car insurance quote