Conesville Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43811

Conesville Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43811

Conesville Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43811


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Are insurance agencies notified if you don't get a ticket?

i got pulled over but the cop gave me a break. he checked my license and registration in his computer but gave no ticket. will my insurance find out about this or am i safe for now? i have liberty mutual and live in maryland. im a new driver so im really worried my rates will go up even higher



Where to get cheap motorcycle insurance in ontario?

Where to get cheap motorcycle insurance in ontario?



Cheap car insurance for first time drivers????!?

im from the UK, and the insurance for first time drivers can be about 1000+ for the first year.... i know someone who got theirs lower but the company has strings that come with it.... Does anyone know any companies that a fairly reasonable for first time drivers???? Thank you if anyone answers =)



Question about vsp eye insurance? around how much would glasses, contacts, exam cost?

hey im new to the job world and i got guardian dental insurance and i think its comes with free vsp too. and the guardian insurance worker told me i'd tell them my social security number and tell them i have vsp to qualify or something. im going to go to a private office that accepts vsp. i want to get an eye exam, get 1 pair of prescription glasses and contact lens fitting and contacts. i dont have a credit card yet so i plan to pay with cash but i dont know how much to withdraw out of the bank to bring with me. i live in georgia, near atlanta by the way. or should i just go to lenscrafters or visonworks or something like that? could you give me an estimate of how much each would be when using vsp, if you have it? and if i used the insurance would i have to pay all the amount there and the insurance company would evaluate my claim and send me money back..? i dont know so how would that work too. thanks for your time in advance.



Applying for medical insurance for my son..?

I'm on the COMPASS website and it asks if I have medical insurance through my job and if my child can get it also. If I'm trying to get CHIP for my son as it'll be cheaper then through my work. Should I just not say if I have insurance or should I continue and put yes my child can get insurance through my job?



Good starter bike thats cheap on insurance?

i was thinking a 250r or a 600r???



Best insurance companies for 17 year old passed my test!!?

ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 17 year old have and who is it with, please :)



Health Insurance for an Eighteen year old Graduate?

Alright. I am in desperate need of some knowledge. I just graduated from high school and live in Idaho with my boyfriend and his parents. The house includes 2 parents, 3 kids under the age of eighteen and 2 adults that are exactly of the age of eighteen years (7 total). I used to live with my father, who does not have any health insurance (he's a Veteran). And even before that I lived with my mother in California who although does have health insurance, I was never a part of. My boyfriend's mother wants to take me to the Department of Health and Welfare so that I could maybe get with Medicaid or something to help me out. I haven't had a job yet (still trying to find one) and I really am quite lost in the world. I am behind on immunizations, have not visited a a while. I do have terrible eye sight and will need more exams in the future and have not yet received any type of check up from a doctor or a physical. I was wondering if there was a way that I could get on my mom's insurance even though she lives in another state and maybe if welfare was all I could really do now. I'm not very educated about insurance and was hoping if there was a wise person out there who could help me. I appreciate any help at all and thank all of you for taking the time to read my cry for help.



Car accident, insurance coverage, process?

I had an accident with another car on the highway, road condition was icy. I traveled with 46-50 miles/hour, kept the car in my lane, followed the cars with normal distance. The other car - one lane or two lanes to the right of me hit an icy spot and crashed into the right side of my car at the door and partially the right fender. I had no damage in the front side of my car, but the front of the other car is damaged substantially. First she admitted that she hit an icy spot, but gave the police another untrue statement about the accident. No tickets were issued by the police. We both have full insurance coverage. The damages on both cars clearly indicates, that her spinning car caused the crash. I already contacted my insurance company. Is there a chance that the insurance companies will be able to work this out and her insurance company will pay for the repair on both cars? Therefore, I will not have to pay my deductible amount? Can the ins. co. override her statement if the independent investigation indicates that her car caused the accident ? Thanks for your answer.



What is a fast but cheap to insure car?

Im 24, 6 years no claims bonus with 6 years driving and no fault crashes (only people have crashed into me) i have 7000 to spend on a car what is the fastest car i could get with the cheapest insurance? (i have extra money to spend on insurance seperately)



Will my auto insurance rate go up? (Ontario)?

I got a ticket for making an illegal U-turn (2 demerit points). I am an occasional driver with a G license. My insurance is with Allstate. Will my insurance rates go up? Let me kno if you have any experience with Allstate, like if you got a ticket (what was it for?) and if your rates went/didn't go up (how much?). Thank you



Motorcycle insurance?

I just bought a new 2013 triumph thruxton and I was wondering how much insurance would cost me I got a quote from progressive and it ended up being 3744 every six months can anyone shed some light on why its so expensive by the way I'm 18 and I paid the bike in full no loans it's paid for completely



I haven't had car insurance for the last 8 years, am I going to pay high rates?

I've lived in the city since 2002 and haven't owned a car. I'm now moving out, and will need a car once again. Does this mean I'm going to pay high rates, or it won't matter?



Cheap insurance cars?

What new-ish cars (about 2008 onwards) are amongst the cheapest to insure for a 17 year old male? Not really looking at a stereotypical first car like a Corsa or Clio etc. I know insurance isn't cheap, but what cars have the cheapest available?



Any affordable health insurance for children in TX?

Any affordable health insurance for children in TX?



Does anyone know a company that will give homeowners insurance if you own a pit bull?

I'm looking for a insurance company that will insure homeowners insurance if I have a pit or pit mix in Upstate NY



Unfair car insurance?

My car was very old but in excellent working order. It has been written off in an accident that was not my fault. The insurance company will only pay me what it's worth, about 150. To get a reasonable second hand replacement will cost much more than this, and I cannot afford it. So I now have no car and cannot afford a replacement. Over the last few years I've paid thousands for insurance. Can the company do this, i.e not pay for an equivalent replacement, but pay what they think it's worth.



Nearly 16, in southern England and wanted to know average insurance cost on 50cc motorcycles.?

I'm 16 in a few months and my parents are giving me 1600 for my birthday and I am allowed to get a motorcycle, i have done some research like bike prices, what cc I'm allowed and what kinda make/models I want.. I was just having trouble finding out average insurance prices people get, I live in the southern countryside and there is not much theft in my area, I wanted to know how much money I would spend roughly, so if I needed to add on more to my b day money, around how much should I save up.. Thanks guys :)



Does one have to report fixing a car to insurance?

So let's say that an underage and uninsured driver hits my car in a parking lot. Not totaled or anything, but a large dent and a scratched. I know the child in the car, and his Dad tells me that he could just pay it for the damages out of pocket. If I get an estimate and get the car fixed with the fathers money, do I have to report it to the insurance? Am I allowed to just go to a body shop and get the doors fixed, and that is the end of that? Will I be in any legal trouble if I do it? Thanks.



Car insurance in my name?

My mom gave me a car afew yrs back and it is still in her name. She's had insurance in her name but wasn't able to make the payment this month. Can I get insurance on the car in my name even with car still in her name?



Can I get auto insurance through another company if I owe on another insurance company money?

I lapsed on my old insurance policy and do not have the money to pay it off. My registration expires tomorrow and I need insurance in my state to register my vehicle. Will another company insure my vehicle if I still owe money to another insurance company?



Which is cheaper ? Insurance on a small or mid size truck?

My son will be getting his license in a year and a half. I am thinking of going ahead & buying a used truck for him, and he can practice in it when he gets his learner's permit. He would like a truck. I have been encouraging him to get a smaller one, like a Toyota since it will be cheaper on gas, If I let him get a bigger one, like a mid size Chevy, would the insurance be cheaper. Where would I save more money--on a more fuel-efficient truck or a bigger one with cheaper insurance? I am thinking of 93-96 model years.



Will health insurance cover IVF procedure?

As of right now, my health insurance have been covering all of my wife procedure of IUI and her surgery for unblock 1 of her tube. But after 3 procedures of IUI and all are negative, I think my Dr will go to IVF next and just wondering if health insurance will cover the IVF procedure.



How do you apply for health insurance?

How does health insurance work?



Car insurance help - first time driver!?

First time driver :) I'm 19 & female. I'm hopefully getting a car by the end of the year. So I was just checking the general insurance prices (I know they change regularly, but I just wanted to see) Anyway, I typed all my information, I was the main driver (I didn't put my parents down as additional drivers either) and the cheapest price was 694.94 - would that have been for the year? It was full comp too. It also had a total excess price, what does that mean? I'm really confused; I though first time drivers had high insurance?? BQ: If I got my car within the next month; then asked my dad to teach me, would I then be able to take a couple lessons with an instructor before I took my test? Or would I need to have all my lessons with an instructor? Thanks!


Conesville Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43811

Conesville Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43811


Car insurance advice needed?

My nephew passed his driving test yesterday and has a P reg Volkswagon Polo for his first car. I've seen adverts on the tele for Direct Line car insurance and they aren't on comparison websites, does anybody know if they are averagely cheaper or not? Are there any other companies that don't appear on comparison websites? Thanks.



If a male at the age of 20 started driving, would the cost of insurance be cheaper then it would for him at 16?

If a male at the age of 20 started driving, would the cost of insurance be cheaper then it would for him at 16?



If I already have health insurance, but my deductible is way to high $4000?

and I am eligible for I supposed to cancel my other insurance or how does that work?



I need Health insurance, is it possible to get it?

Im 20 yrs. old and i work and am a full-time student but don't seem to make enough for health insurance and i got knee issues. How could I RECEIVE GOV. ASSISTANCE ?.What would be my best plan??



How where and how can I get cheap car insurance?

I lost my job last year and I'm getting back on my feet again and I'm looking for very cheap insurance because I still can't pay too much.



Nevada/or California car insurance cheaper?

I just moved to Las Vegas from California and learning car insurance is more in the silver state. When I go to purchase new car insurance can I lie and say I live in California still. What are the cons to keeping my insurance registered in Cal?



Do you have to keep insuring a financed car?

Does anyone know whats happens if you were to start paying collision on a vehicle then take if off after a month or so? Does the insurance company call the finacial institution? Also what if you were to move to another state does this information follow you?



California auto car insurance question?

I own three cars and I want to purchase auto insurance for all three of them. But my question is, if I plan on keeping two cars at my residence, and the third one garaged at another residence (at my father's address). Is that legal to do so or I must have all three cars parked at my residence? Will the third car be exempt from my insurance policy if I decide not to garage it at my address?



Where is best for cheap car insurance for a new driver, curfew insurance?

I am just turning 17 and want to know the cheapest insurance companies out there. I know Quinn direct is good, but are there any better ones. I also know that there are curfew insurance companies that stop you going out after 11 and before 5 in the morning, but what are the companies called? Thanks



Question about insurance differences for regular vehicles and motorcycles?

I currently have a car through my parents car insurance but I really want to branch out on my own and get my own insurance so I've been thinking about finally pursuing my dream of getting a motorcycle. They're cheap, run well, and from what I gather insurance is very cheap. Could anyone tell me what kind of money I might save in Pennsylvania or New Jersey in comparison between a motorcycle and a regular car? Thanks.



Will my car insurance be affected? Please help?

My friend crashed my car and she got charged with DUI, my car is totalled. I was in the passenger seat, but not driving. What will happen to my car insurance?



Should I purchase car insurance?

I'm buying a car on Saturday and want to arrive with proof of insurance so I can drive the car off the lot ASAP. I was given a quote for a vehicle I won't be getting. The year will be the same year though. I'm also not sure about plates and registration.



How much would insurance be for a 2008 Honda CBR 125cc?

I'm only a 16 year old, 5'3 115 pound girl... I've got my g1, my driving course and I'm more than willing to take the motorcycle course. I'm looking at buying a 2008 Honda CBR 125cc. I'm wondering ON AVERAGE what I'll be paying for insurance? Thanks in advance! Oh and I'm in Sudbury, Ontario. I'll only be doing about 20-30km a day, if that makes a difference



What does this dental insurance code mean?

The code is 42560 and it's by the insurance company equitable life insurance company of Canada . So what does this dental insurance code mean? How much will they cover for the gum graft? It's only one tooth that I need to have done for 600$. It's medical not cosmetic.



What's the most & best but reasonable/affordable Health Insurance??

in/for Indiana



A question about car insurance?

whats your opinion, why car insurance is so high?. do you think the accidents on the road and up goes your insurance are young drivers, drunk drivers, junk cars on the road, or do you think its something else?i been driving since 1967 and i was in only 1 accident, so thats a pretty good record, i think, but iam going to town tomarrow, and i dont know whats going to happen before i get back home. anymore, iam always glad when iam back home, and off the road, but i guess your not even safe walking along the roads these days.thanks folks.



Am I covered under my father's car insurance policy?

I live in center city Chicago and I don't need a car, so I don't have my own car insurance policy. When I visit home and drive my father's car, am I covered under his policy even though I am not a minor?



Question about unemployment Insurance In california?

I have to send my form on the 12 of december. If i dont send it by that time.say about a week later will it be a problem? when is the latest i can send it through the mail? anyone know?



How do you find out if someone that hit you has insurance?

the insurance information i was given after someone hit my car turned out to be fake. my insurance company called his company but was told that the policy # does not exist. so is there a way i can find out through DMV or somewhere his true insurance information? if i can't find it, would this qualify as uninsured since i have uninsured drivers coverage? it would waive my deductible and it would pay for the injuries i suffered in the accident but only if he really is uninsured.



Is it cheaper to buy a BMW and/ Mercedes in Europe taking into account all costs including shipping, insurance

Is it cheaper to buy a BMW and/ Mercedes in Europe taking into account all costs including shipping, insurance



How much is it to rent a car per day in costa rica w/the necessary insurance [of course-4 wheel drive]?

How much is it to rent a car per day in costa rica w/the necessary insurance [of course-4 wheel drive]?



Name on car insurance?

Is it possible to buy a car under my name but have the car's insurance under my dads name?



Is this a good health insurance for my mom?

My mom is 58 years old and lives in California. I needed a plan where if there's any hospital bills or chemotherapy that needs to be done and it exceeds $100,000......I want the insurance company to pay for everything. Also, can an insurance company suddenly cut someone if they are really sick and in the process of recovery? Does anyone know of a better health plan I should get for her? Thanks so much in advance.



I got a ticket for failure to show insurance in NJ . How will this effect my insurance rates.?

The day I got my car, I was got a ticket for not having insurance in NJ.I had insurance but paper had not come in the mail yet. I went to court and it was lowered to failure to show insurance and I paid like $185. How will this effect my points and and my insurance rates. Should I reopen my case and plea not guilty or see if I could get it dismissed and would I have to get a lawyer for that? Is it worth the money? This is my first ticket ever. I though he would dismiss my case after explaining my case but my public defender was really rude and impatient when I asked him If I could have the case dropped saying You're should be glad I am not getting your license taken for a year! which is true, but I had proper documentation so there was not way my license would have been suspended.



Looking for cheap insurance?

just baught a van and looking for insurance companys numbers,thanks sean


Conesville Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43811

Conesville Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43811


I am a newly licensed 6-20 Florida Insurance Adjuster. My goal is to eventually become an independent adjuster?

I'm thinking since I have no experience, I would start out as a staff adjuster but no one will hire me. Any tips on how to break in? All info is greatly appreciated.



Insurance question I need help with, any help would be great?

I need some help here... The question is Hans sells his car to Pieter and now has no car and no need of auto insurance. Hans calls his State Farm agent to tell him to transfer his auto insurance to Pieter. The agent tells Hans: A. The transfer will not take place until that night at 12:01 AM B. That Hans will need to put Pieter on his policy as an additional driver C. That Hans must keep paying the premium until the end of the policy period. D. That he cannot transfer the policy to Pieter. E. None of the above. Im pretty sure B and C are incorrect, but otherwise I have no clue. Any help would be greatly appreciated!



Why are so many Americans losing their health insurance plans due to the Affordable Health Care Act/Obamacare?

Is there serious corruption in the health insurance industry? Would that have something to do with it? Why would so many health care professionals like doctors and dentists have problems with the Affordable Health Care Act/Obamacare? By the way, I'm keeping my employer based plan.They're not changing it, and, it's through my union.No one else in my store is changing theirs,either.



Do I need insurance to buy a used car?

Wisconsin- I will be buying a new car this week (2004 Monte Carlo). My license is currently suspended, do I need to get insurance for it before I bring it home? (My mom will be driving it home for me)



Auto insurance question?

I had full coverage on my auto policy. My car is at a point where I'm not going to fix it because it would cost more to repair then to replace. However, I'm not going to replace it at this time. My question is, since I will be renting cars at least twice before I get a new car, how do I handle my auto insurance? The policy currently covers rental cars, and is cheaper than the insurance the rental company offers, so I'd like to keep it. should i go ahead and cancel my auto policy, even though I will be driving other cars before i purchase another?



I live in California and was involved in a car accident. My insurance had lapsed prior to the accident.?

I was behind on my insurance because I don't have much money. I actually was going to pay it this week since I just got paid, regardless the accident happened last week. I pulled out in front of a lady and her car t-boned my car. Her and her passengers were injured and were taken to the hospital for minor airbag related injures. I had minor whiplash. I was given a citation for failure to yield to oncoming traffic (vc 21804 (a)) and for no proof of insurance (vc 16028 (c)). What kind of fines/penalties should I expect when I appear in court. Also, if the other driver didn't have insurance can she still sue me for her medical bills?



What are some good auto insurance companies?

I have not yet did any quotes, I was just wondering can someone out here tell me from experience what are some good insurance companies. My sister has her driver's permit, and she just purchased a used car..Of course she's trying to get her license but she wants to practice in her car as long as she has a licensed driver in the car with her. I myself have license, but no car at the current moment. United Auto Insurance said that even if she doesn't have license and the car is registered in her name, she can still get insurance as long as I'm on there with her because I have license. Do you know of any other insurance companies that are like that. Also, she's just looking to get liability at the time and she is over 18yrs. of age.. Please no smart remarks, only mature serious answers please



How much would the insurance be on this car?

A ford ka 2001 around 56,000 miles and I am a new driver 17



Will getting a car permit/License increase tax?

I wanted to get my permit and then license as soon as possible. My mom however says by driving there will be an increase on tax she has to pay. Does she mean insurance? I'm not sure what she means by that, so can anyone explain?



Need a quick answer on car insurance?

My first question is, if your car is hit and the other insurance company admits fault - aren't they supposed to come meet YOU to assess damages? Secondly, is an insurance company allowed to deny you whats owed after already admitting fault and after already getting an estimate from a body shop? How do I prevent them from low balling me?



Where can i buy rebuild-able cars from insurance companies?

I live in the state of Indiana, is there a place where i can buy rebuild-able cars from insurance companies, or from a action place where they are not so expensive?



Insurance cost?

Im a 16 year old male. Just got into wreck last thursday, not my fault. insurance stayed same. before wreck it dropped $20. I only have liabilty right now. Was 80 now it is 60. My car was a 1995 eclipe which i bought for $3500 and i paid $480 for 6 months. Now if i had that car i'd pay, $360. How much would it cost for6 months to buy a $7,000-$10,000 car. State farm is my carrier. And I do have experience. Make good grades and did steer clear



NJ auto insurance (NJCURE), anyone ever have any problems with them?

The new insurance offered to NJ (because our rates are the highest in the nation), anyone ever use them or have any problems with them? Any advice I would appreciate.



Does anyone know a good auto-insurance for first time drivers in New Jersey ?

I'm well aware that New Jersey has high auto insurance, but I wanted to know does anyone have an recommendations on an affordable auto insurance. I know me being 21 and a male is going to raise it but so far the cheapest would have been progressive for about $300 a month. Any suggestions would help. Thank you



Car Insurance for a new driver????

My wife was looking at getting her drivers licence and was wondering how much it would cost roughly for say a 1998 dodge caravan to be insured under a new driver. She is 28 and will be taking a driving school to learn how to drive. Does anyone know if it would be more or less then $400 a month. Thanks



What's Toronto cheap auto insurance/Broker?

This city is pure Bull sh*t! I can't find a affordable insurance. If anyone have a good car insurance, please leave their name of contact #? Thanks



Personal health insurance?

Any other health insurance companies in Michigan that are good? I checked out Blue Cross. They're pricey but offer dental coverage which might be worth it. Because I got hit with some dental bills these past few years. Any websites that allow you to compare companies?



Best car insurance for 17 yr olds?

been quoted silly money for car insurance...anyone know who is cheapest for 17 yr old 1st time driver????



Car insurance for total loss?

I got a car accident due to bad weather and got a total loss. No one is involved in the accident. I`ve got a full coverage insurance at that time. The insurance company is cancelled a contract with me after a claim (accident) I issued, which I found it through insurance agency. The insurance company said that they did not know the previous accident record on my driver license. Then they cancelled the contract. Can I possibly claim a complain with my insurance company? I terribly need any car since I use a car for my job. The insurance company said they will not give me any money either a car. What should I do? Thank you



Car insurance cancellation, what to do?

Alright so I had my insurance policy through my mom with Allstate. Today we got a cancellation letter from them, and it was because of a reckless driving charge put against me. What should we do, what is the next step of getting a new policy? My mom also just got a new car about three years ago and i know for sure that she does not have it payed off. Will she be in endangerment of losing her loan. Lastly, if we do get new insurance, what do you purpose the figures maybe?



Why has my car insurance gone up?

My question is about my car insurance renewal quote. I got my renewal quote from esure, last year I paid 357 with 7 years no claim discount, and with full uk licence held for just under 4 years. In whole year I haven't made any claim, same car, same address, still the new quote I got is 627. I am almost shocked. Last year also I had same problem, my renewal quote was about 40-50 pounds higher. I checked for new quote with different insurers but not getting anything cheaper than 460, still way above what I paid last year. Does anyone know why does it go up? I remember last time when I spoke to call centre guy, he told me that it depends on number of claims in your area etc. Is that true? Also somewhere I read the article that insurance companies are paying more than what they collect as a premium and they are raising premiums by up to 20% but still in my case the premium is almost double. If anyone has any knowledge on how this industry works please let me know. Any help is appreciated. Thanks



Should the government ban gender discrimination for insurance rates?

Why is it legal for car insurance companies to charge males more than females when they have the same driving record, same age, same car, and same everything else?



Question about being a teen, and car insurance?

I am 17 now, I am taking my driver's test in about a week. My boyfriend said that when he got his licence he was automatically added to his mom and dad's car insurance. Well I was wondering would it be the same for me. Because (This might be a little confusing (: ) I was adopted by my birth mother's boyfriends mom, and i live with her and her mom. No one in the house has a car, or car insurance, and my birth mother doesn't have any custody of me but she does have car insurance, and my birth father has half custody of me, and he has car insurance. So.... ha ha my question in general is, when get my license, will I be added to any ones insurance? Or will I have to get my own? Ha ha ALSO, If I do have to get my own what would be the best and cheapest insurance for me? I wouldn't want full coverage, I would just get P.I.P. Please and thank you so much!



Does insurance cost more if you have a sporty car versus a truck?

Guess im just wondering cause some of my friends with sporty cars talk about there insurance being high cause of that, or if it didn't matter what kind of car they have. Insurance is just based on the person not the vehicle...if that makes sense lol



Health insurance after an injury?

I'm currently a student without health insurance. While playing football, I injured my knee. I went to the college student health and found out I have an injured MCL, a bruised bone and a torn meniscus, and the doctor recommends I have an MRI and visit an orthopedic surgeon but without health insurance I can't do these options. First off is with attending a college student health and not a hospital, would the health insurance find out about the injury if I get Health insurance, and if not, how long do I have to wait to wait to get treatment done on my knee that the health insurance would cover?


Conesville Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43811

Conesville Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43811


Wells Fargo bought insurance for my truck?

Wells Fargo never received notification of insurance for my truck and ended up buying coverage for me (as there is an obligation to have full coverage). All I have to do is let them know about my current coverage and the policy they bought will be dropped. The insurance they bought for me, however, is cheaper than the insurance I have bought through the other insurance company. Can I just keep the insurance Wells Fargo bought for me? Is there a penalty for doing so?



How much did you pay for your motorhome tires?

i am curious about the cost of tires on the different types of motorhomes? i am also curious about the cost of insurance? routine maintenance? and whatever else may be important in the cost of ownership between a class A and a class C motorhome?



How much would it cost for insurance for a 18 year old with a 2001 toyota celica? Monthly and yearly?

In Canada not US



Where is the cheapest place in Nashville to get renter's insurance?

Anyone know of a good company or individual that offers inexpensive renter's insurance in Nashville, TN? Also, is the fee a one time fee for the entire year? or is it a monthly fee? Lastly, if you could give me an idea of prices for renter's insurance for a 1-2 bedroom apartment, that would be helpful too! thanks!



Need insurance advice?

First time driver I have tools to carry so will need a good engine Insurance is high so - What's a good engined car with cheap insurance? I have researched but still need all the help I can get. :/



What is an insurance credit score?

My husband insists since we bought a new (used) car and our son is getting his own car that we need to get insurance quotes. I think we are getting great rates now and dont think it will make much difference but he insists. Anyway the insurance agent I contacted, who I've known since 1st grade, asked for our license numbers to run our driving record (which both should be fine), claim history (we have had one property and one collision claim in the past few years) and our insurance credit score. We have had problems financially in recent years and so our credit score is really bad. We are about to file bankruptcy. I'm wondering what the insurance credit score is and will our current financial situation cause the quotes to be high. I don't even want to mess with getting quotes because I think our rates are very reasonable already but my husband insists we need to shop around. I just don't see how we can save anything when our rates are already just a couple of hundred with full coverage. And I hate the fact that you have to give so much personal information to someone who you are just asking for a quote (in my opinion an estimate) from.



Life insurance, how much is the cost?

for 500,000$ insurance, for my family should something happen to me. i don't want my family to get in any trouble should i be gone. where can i get some estimates?



Who has taken the Florida 2-15 Life, Health, Ann, Insurance exam... How is this exam?

I would like to know is this a very difficult exam? Do this exam requires mathematics? Is this exam 100% Multiple choice? I know that the Real Estate exam for me was a little difficult so I am hoping that this would be a little easier.... Please tell what ever you know about this test... Thanks I appreciate it...



Im 15 and how much am i looking forward to pay on my car insurance? The car is a 2005 chrysler 300c?

It's a black car V6 engine i live in the city it will be parked in the garage and we have a low crime rate in the city ? i would like specific answers or similar stories?



Temporary health insurance for southern California? ?

Hello, I really need health insurance for the next 3 months. But i don't know who or what i would go to .I know i will have to go to the doctors for some health issues. But after 3 months ill be leaving the country for an unknown amount of time. So any help would be very appreciated. thank you!



Forcing to get car insurance?

Two years ago, my ex and I bought a car under her name. It was registered in her name, and the loan was in her name. The insurance was in mine. We split up, and now neither of us more



Insurance for people who do not have a car?

Are there any insurance for people who do not have a car?



How much would car Insurance be for a 16 year old guy?

My parents want me to start picking what car I want to get. I was wondering how much insurance would cost for each of these cars for a 16 year old guy. I am interested in a BMW E36 323is Coupe, BMW E36 325is Coupe, BMW E36 328is Coupe, 1997-2001 Honda Prelude, and a 2000 VW Golf GTi. Please help me because I need to know the cost to insure each of these cars before I pick.



Will this help save on car insurance?

My husband and I need a second car because I got a job way across town and with school coming up, we have completely different schedules... So I was thinking of only putting my name on the title and the insurance for the new car because my husband has an accident on record and our rates went up. Secondly, would it be beneficial to take my name off our current car and insurance so that it will be only in his name? Could this help save money with our insurance? Sorry if this is a gay question, just trying to save us a little extra money to put away in savings



Why has my car insurance went up?

mine and my partners car insurance is up for renewal, we only passed 3 years ago next April we were 660 for a 1.6 focus we thought it would go down this year as my partner is now 25 but the insurer we are with wanted 900?!! the cheapest we have seen is 730?? nothing has changed we have never claimed so why has it went up?? is it not suppose to go down the more experience you have and older you get? anyone else having this problem?



USAA car insurance vs. Geico?

My husband is in the army, and he has been using USAA car insurance, and I have been using Geico. I am putting them both on one plan, and Geico is $300 cheaper a year than USAA. But does anyone have any experience of which one is better? He really wants to keep USAA, but I want to save $$ with Geico. I'm just mostly wondering if USAA is worth the extra money. Any help would be appreicated! Thanks! :)



Insurance question?

do you have to be married to someone to be on their health insurance?



Whats the best vintage muscle car on insurance for a 18 year old?

ive heard that if a car had a smaller engine, 4 door instead of coupe etc. it would be cheaper on insurance. So i want to know what muscle car would be cheapest on insurance for a 18 year old.



Auto Insurance at 16?

How much could I expect it to be? I do live in Texas. I will be getting my permit soon (after I'm done with drivers ed), and to drive with it, I will need to be on my parents auto insurance, and I have to pay for it. I will not have a car for the time being so it shouldn't be really high?



How does uninsured motorist effect me and the insurance company?

if i get in a car accident with someone that dosnt have car insurance how does this effect me and the insurance company



What is the average cost of car insurance for a 16 year old male?

I need it for a school project PLEASE HELP!



Who do you find is the cheapest car insurance ??

I have been searching the net getting quotes the cheapest i got was 237(fully comp) for a astra it's 16v 75 bhp i have 6 years no claims do you think this sounds ok ave used all the usual compare the market ect everything i can find usin a search engine really any more sugestions appreciated



Do I need condo insurance in Florida?

As of Jan 1st 2009, our HOA requires us to show proof of insurance. I believe it is statue Section 718.111 (11). Anyways, I really don't have the money for condo insurance right now. I have read online that the HOA can purchase this insurance for me and then assess me for the balance. I recently moved to Port St Lucie, Fl where everyone is unemployed and foreclosures are so common. Anyways, can they place a lien if I do not provide them with proof of the insurance or will they just lay off for awhile? I appreciate any feedback right now as I am so worried. Thanks.



Can i put my car under my dad's name to have cheaper insurance?

if do, why insurance company do that, they should have known that this second car is for customers' child



Can i have two different Auto Insurance policies?

I have two different cars can i have two different policies on each vehicle in the state of kentucky?


Conesville Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43811

Conesville Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43811